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Jackson Creek

Fish Passage
Stream Enhancement
Water Quality


Step 4 graphic
  1. Pre-assessment (Completed)
  2. Project Design (Completed)
  3. Construction Started (Completed)
  4. Construction Finished (In Progress)
  5. Monitoring Active

Fish Passage and Watershed In-Stream Enhancement

Jackson Creek, a small, direct-to-ocean stream in Cape Lookout State Park was affected by a 1950 project that diverted water flow from its historic channel into Netarts Bay. In addition, a concrete-reinforced ford crossing in the ocean-going channel impeded fish passage. Fish passage was improved by filling the channel to restore historic riverbanks, reconnecting the floodplain, and returning full flow to the channel. A new all-purpose, pedestrian timber bridge was installed to give pedestrians safe access. Finally, the intake to the park’s water treatment system was upgraded. 

Project Details


Cost: $291,000


This project was funded by the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and Oregon Parks and Recreation Department.

Completed: 2013

Partners: U.S. Fish and Wildlife, Oregon State Parks

The pedestrian bridge before and after construction

4) OG ford IMG 3410