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Hawk Creek

Fish Passage
Native Plants
Water Quality


Step 4 graphic
  1. Pre-assessment (Completed)
  2. Project Design (Completed)
  3. Construction Started (Completed)
  4. Construction Finished (In Progress)
  5. Monitoring Active

The purpose of this project was to improve fish passage beyond the water impoundment and municipal water intake structure.

In 1980, the Neskowin Regional Water District (NRWD) constructed a rock weir impoundment on Hawk Creek, a tributary to Neskowin Creek in south Tillamook County, to meet water diversion demand at their new water treatment plant. The rock weir impeded adult salmon and blocked juvenile fish passage to 1.5 miles of spawning and rearing habitat. 

To improve conditions for salmonids in the Hawk Creek Watershed, the NRWD elected to voluntarily upgrade their Hawk Creek water diversion facility to meet Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s fish passage criteria. The purpose of this project was to improve fish passage beyond the water impoundment and municipal water intake structure. This project installed a 170 foot long full-spanning fishway comprised of 16 notched concrete sills. Large wood and boulders were also incorporated to create more natural habitat. The new fishway design allows adult and juvenile salmonid passage throughout the year while meeting the NRWD’s water intake demand.