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God’s Valley

Fish Passage
Threatened Coho Salmon
Water Quality


Step 4 graphic
  1. Pre-assessment (Completed)
  2. Project Design (Completed)
  3. Construction Started (Completed)
  4. Construction Finished (In Progress)
  5. Monitoring Active

The God’s Valley Creek sub-basin drains 5,100 acres in the North Fork Nehalem River Watershed on Oregon’s North Coast. God’s Valley Creek is one of the top producers of coho salmon in the Nehalem Bay watershed and is considered a core area by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Collaborating with four partners, TEP led this project that addressed a 3.5-mile section of poorly designed God’s Valley Road where high-water velocities, culvert plugging, stream overtopping, and road erosion contributed to fish passage barriers and sediment run-off. 

To remedy these concerns on the God’s Valley Creek tributaries, TEP replaced six culverts with new structures. Collectively, the culvert replacements restored passage to 2.56 miles of salmonid habitat and are improving water quality. 

IMG 1303