- Pre-assessment (Completed)
- Project Design (Completed)
- Construction Started (Completed)
- Construction Finished (Completed)
- Monitoring Active (In Progress)
Coal Creek has over two mainstem miles of salmon spawning and rearing habitat. The creek flows through second growth and mature timber, owned by Tillamook County, before reaching private agricultural land and emptying into the Kilchis River in the Tillamook Bay Watershed. A 30-foot high fish passage barrier dam, degraded instream salmon spawning and rearing habitat, an abandoned waterline in the riparian area, drainage culverts, and lack of riparian vegetation all contributed to degraded watershed conditions.
In a two year construction period the dam was demolished, log and boulder structures placed throughout 1,000 feet, three drainage culverts removed, and the edges of the old reservoir stabilized with native vegetation. These activities help restore fish passage and stream processes, facilitate gravel retention, stabilize the channel gradient, and improve channel complexity.