Safeguarding Waterways to Foster a More Resilient Tillamook County
Tillamook Estuaries Partnership has a dedicated monitoring program that assesses the health and function of our waterways and surrounding ecosystems. We do this to ensure that our watershed serves as a foundation for a more resilient community and a thriving and sustainable future for Tillamook County. Clean water means a thriving local economy.
Clean water is essential for the survival of everything, including humans. It directly influences our health through our drinking water and our daily activities like bathing, cooking, and recreation. It also impacts the well-being of fish and wildlife, ultimately shaping our communities’ long-term welfare.
Our community’s commitment to water quality is demonstrated through the Volunteer Monitoring Program, initiated in 1997. Local citizens collect water samples bi-weekly in all 5 Tillamook County watersheds and bring them to our lab. We process the water samples and send them to have their bacteria levels measured. This extensive data set is used collaboratively with State and Federal agencies to inform decisions and document improvements.
We also monitor other indicators of water quality including vital parameters across the watershed, including stream temperature, dissolved oxygen, and ocean acidification. These parameters are critical for the wellbeing of many species including juvenile fish, seagrass, and oysters.